
These days, I'm keeping in good mood.
I start to achieve something I really want to do and construct for my future.
Now, I feel really alive.

Lately, I suddenly decided to go to German Class.
Actually, I've wanted to learn it for many months ago.
I expected to learn it after graduating from college.
Maybe I just want to change my life something, so I decided to learn it now.

I always tell my decision to my family before I doing it, but not this time.
I paid the tuition with my own money.
First of all, I want to share my joy to friends.
But they seemd have many questions.
I know German maybe is not such a popular language.
So I accept their little disagrees.
Somehow, I believe, it will be a difference for me from others after many years.
The chance is for the person who has prepared to take.

I know some people may not agree with me.
But now I really don't care it anymore.
The rebellious personality is always existent.
Now I want to relieve it a little.
I think it's the reason why I'm happy these days.
I try to not care about what other people think, and tell myself to do more things I want to do.
I am constructing my future.
The most important thing is "I'm happy with the way I go".

Today, I got my German books.
I will start it on Saturday.
Hope I can really enjoy it.

    創作者 rogibreak 的頭像


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