Yeah, it supposes to be sixth time.
>< I missed the class twice.
I heard teacher said that: it takes off on 7/5 and 7/12.
But maybe I missed phone calls.
So I didn't know I had to go to the class.
Ok, never mind.
Fortunately, I've previewed it over the range they taught before the class.
So I could catch them up.

Today we learn about numbers.
It's very hard to read and remember it.
But I know every thing can be solved by practice.
German is a language that once you studying it, you can't stop.
It's like you are addicted to it.
And when you can read a whole paragraph,
you'll be very very happy, a sense of fulfillment in your heart.
And you might want to say something like "good job" or "well done" to yourself. XD
It's a virtuous circle.
It's good!

Recently, I discovered that I can speak 4 languages.
It's exciting, you know.
Chinese, of course.
English, Japanese, German.
Maybe I can speak 5 languages after graduating.
Because I want to pick French to be my general education.
It sounds great.
But I know the most important thing is I have to keep improving them.
I have to practice them more often.
I have to arrange them in a fixed schedule.
I don't want to waste them.
I mean if I don't improve them, it's really wasted.
Because I spent some period of time to learn them.
It's my self-expectation.

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