
Today, we have the geographic lesson.
Now, I know how to read some countries name.
And how to say the location or where to go, something like this.

German is very interesting.
Athough I just heard someone who came out the classroom said that German is difficult, I still like it.
When I speak in German, I feel comfortable.
Maybe because it just begins.
But really. I don't remember I had this feeling when I began to learn English.
And when you hear a word, you can spell it accurately.
When you see a word you know how to read it. You know the pronunciation.
This is not the case in English.
Let's say, if you hear /aI/. it may be the 'ai' or 'i' in English, depends on the word.
But in German, it always spell 'ei'.
It's easy to remember the word.
Just like Japanese, you see the word, and you can read the word.
Hope I can keep enjoying it.

Next 2 or 3 weeks, I don't have the German class.
Because Richard needs to take some days off.
His mother died lately. He has to manager it.

That's no problem. I can review or preview by myself.

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