恐怕這一寫 又要寫很多了
堆積太久 主要是沒有想寫的心情
現在寫 只是要打發時間 順便讓心情沉澱
- Mar 29 Sat 2008 20:40
- Mar 17 Mon 2008 22:03
他們整個很迅速~ @@
大爺我 就等著出發就好了 哈哈
先貼出來 每天可以來這裡看
不然日子實在是太難熬了= =||
- Mar 09 Sun 2008 21:24
Ubuntu - Note 1
哈 本來是在寫數學的筆記
可惜的是 音效卡驅動程式一直無法裝好
so 他現在應該說是聾子XP 還是啞巴XP?
then 還是把Ubuntu再度灌上
- Mar 05 Wed 2008 21:54
Ya~ Ubuntu~
Now I start to like Ubuntu.
It is one of the Linux OS.
Yesterday, My XP didn't work.
Because the virus >
So I decide to try Linux to make my contact-way alive.
But I can't figure out how to set up the network in some of Linux,
such as Mandriva, Knoppix...,
until I try the "Ubuntu" although I spent some time.
Finally, I found the "?" on the top.
I remember someone said that you can set up the network by its help.
So... I double click it.
Then I found it.
Some Instructions about network.
It's step by step. Clearly.
Inetnet> ADSL Modems >PPPoE Modems>
the steps are here:
1. Open a terminal (Applications ▸ Accessories ▸ Terminal)
2. In the terminal type:
sudo pppoeconf
3. A text-based menu program will guide you through the next steps, which are:
1. Confirm that your Ethernet card is detected.
2. Enter your username.
3. Enter your password.
4. If you already have a PPPoE Connection configured, you will be asked if it may be modified.
5. Popular options: you are asked if you want the “noauth” and “defaultroute” options and to remove “nodetach” - choose Yes.
6. Use peer DNS - choose Yes.
7. Limited MSS problem - choose Yes.
8. When you are asked if you want to connect at start up, you will probably want to say yes.
9. Finally you are asked if you want to establish the connection immediately.
Once you have finished these steps, your connection should be working.
When I saw this ^
I can't believe it so quick to finish the set up steps.
So I didn't expect it really work.
When I saw GOOGLE
I was very happy.
It's really amazing.
I think maybe I can get along well with Ubuntu.
Now I know why so many people like the young OS.
And I just tested the Buddy software.
It's also work, and I really can contact with other people by it.
Thank one of Roger Fans gave me some response. ^^
Now I have a little problem : I can't type in Chinese.
I have to look up "HELP".
But it's just a live CD
I don't set up the entire os yet.
Anyway, it's a nice beginning to use Linux.
Ubuntu, I'll consider you to be my work partner in serious. ^^
Note that I have to change the monior to 800x600_32
or safemode. So it will nomal display.