
I saw it on TV few weeks ago.
It's a story about pursuing your dream, and fighting for your dream.

From the start, I was curious the project she is doing.
It's interesting that combines dance with physics.
She recorded dancers every move and analysed them.
She tried to find an equation or some ways to make the dancer complete perfect actions.
Then, she even experienced it by herself.
She has the potential.
That's lucky. Because it's obvious to see her has the potential in a specific field.
I don't know where my potential is,
I don't know where is suitable for me or which field is perfect match to me.
Finally, she decided not to go to Harford, she want to be a dancer.
She went to a competition. This scene is the most touching scene of whole movie.
It's really inspired.
You can find it process step by step,
from discovering dream to fighting for her dream.
It makes me rethink about myself.

The following are what I found on Youtube. Enjoy!

Ice Princess Part 1

Ice Princess Part 2

Ice Princess Part 3

Ice Princess Part 4

Ice Princess Part 5

Ice Princess Part 6

Ice Princess Part 7

Ice Princess Part 8

Ice Princess Part 9

Ice Princess Part 10

This is an introduction:

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