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Lately, I am crazy about LANGUAGE again.
I can remember that I was very interested in Learning NEW languages.
Maybe I was affected by Loving EGYPT.
Do you know the "Rosetta Stone"?
A French scholar Jean-François Champollion who can speak almost 15 languages when he was at 20.
When he was 19, he was a history professor.
People in the old times are really great, because there were not so many things that can attract them at that time.
They had much time to reading, thinking...
Champollion had solve the descriptions on Rosetta Stone.
I wanted to be as good as him before 1 grade in senior high.
I started to read many English megazines from junior high,
and wanted to go to English department originally.
I even don't like computer, also can't understand and did well on the VB programming at that time.
I wrote this kind of words on my computer book.
But one day I suddenly wanted to change my future,
I don't know why this suddenness, I chose CSIE.
I just know I don't want to as the same as my sister.
Maybe it was something to do with my math teacher inspiring me insterested in it.
But I've chosen the first category before changing mind.
Although everyone thought that I should choose the IM.
My math teacher also told me: You choose wrong way, you have to go to for it.
But I didn't listen to them.
I also attended the test (their math, physics) of second category.
I can remember the day I got the grades,
physics got ZERO.
I laughed in mind.
I know I should keep to chanllenge it.
Then I came to IM.
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Lately, I am interested in languages again.
Because of Roger, tennis...
This summer I've watched many games,
and also read / listened / watched to their interviews, news, videos, websites.
All these are English.
Because Roger can speak German, French, too.
So sometimes I also came into contact with those languages.
Then, I think it's really interesting,
just like few years ago I knowed Champollion.
I listen to Roger's interviews carefully at the first time,
and then just let it repeat over and over again.
Because Roger's voice is pleasant to hear. XD
One day I didn't hear it carefully,
my sister said: do you really understand what he says?
I didn't want to admit that I didn't understand what he said.
I said : Of course I do.
In order to prove it, I repeated few sentences what just Roger said INSTINCTIVELY.
My sister surprisingly said: Wow, you really understand it.
I responsed her with pride: Of course, ha. XD
Actually I was surprise that, too.
But after that, I know my English really improved.
So I am happy for it.
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But then I start to crazy about it, also to get used it.
Last week, I wrote the note in English on class to explain what teacher just said INSTINCTTIVELY.
Lately, my thoughts in my mind are in English.
I start to type blog in English without the desire of throwing out.
I always wanted to throw out something or dizzy when I read too much English or listend too much English before.
Yesterday, everyone speaks English in my dream, of course including me.
If I met Roger, I had to talk to him,
and understand what he said ,then response him clearly.
I can't use the body language to communicate with him,
he doesn't has much time to do that.
I am dreaming of that. XD

I know it's a little crazy.
But I may totaly get used it, if I keep these.
It has really long time that I wrote in English.
So I found that some words I know but I am not sure if I spell it correctly.
And my grammer is fuzzy and not really correct.
I should improve that.
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And I also want to learn the language what Roger can speak. XD
Yesterday, I went to Eslite bookstore,
I wanted to find German language learning books,
but it's quite a few.
(I also saw many travel books about Europe,
it's really beautiful, it attracts me want to go there.)
I want to start learning my fourth language from German.
Because most of people in Switzerland speak Swiss-German.
They also can speak Swiss-French.
(Swiss can speak English, too. But they don't use it often)
That's my fifth want to lean.
Maybe I can study there, living there XD. (dreaming it again)
I heard of it's convenient there, it's nice there.
Many old people live there, so maybe it's really suitable for me. = =
I may go to language center to learn German.
But now I have to focus on project.
I may learn it myself now.
I really expect my fourth grade,
if my project can pass,
if my credit points is enough to graduate,
I can do many thing I want to do,
to prepare my future maybe.

I know I also have to keep learing Japanese.
it's too bad to give up it.

Learning always needs some reasons that can support you to keep learning it.

By the way, this summer I spent 7、800 NT to buy Roger's biography.
Roger experienced many things,
but he always correct his imperfection, quest his perfection, try best, be positive.
These all I have to look up to him.

Thank you, Roger.
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澳洲 - 皇家理工大學
日本 - 東京大學
瑞士 - 蘇黎世大學
瑞士 - 聯邦理工學院

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